Pocky is pretty much every Asian kid's favorite pastime. Growing up, it was definitely the highlight of every weekend after Chinese School. It has been a while since I've last had some, but I thought it'd be fun to blog about it. It's kind of ridiculous how a cookie stick dipped in cream can cause such a sensation. Ironically, it hasn't gone out of style.
These are the Pocky flavors I've tried:
The chocolate-flavored Pocky is the original flavor. It wasn't necessarily my favorite flavor, but it was the only one I knew about.
The strawberry-flavored Pocky was the only other flavor there was. I alternated the flavors sometimes.
The flavor of this Pocky is dark chocolate. I'm not sure why they named it "Men's," but it sounds a little sexist. I like dark chocolate, but like the original chocolate one better.
This Pocky is cheesecake-flavored. I love cheesecake, and this tastes nothing like it. That being said, it's still pretty good.
I actually really like the milk-flavored Pocky. It tastes very "nourishing," even though I'm pretty sure it's not that good for you. It also tastes a lot like the cheesecake one.These are the flavors I want to try:
Courtesy of the Pocky Shrine
I tried the green tea one. You should try it too. It's really good.