I'm a student, so I don't get to read books I want to read as much as textbooks. It also happens that my favorite stand-up comics are mainly women who are crude and raunchy because they break that stereotype of prim and proper, submissive females. Ironically, they will still insult us in very endearing ways, in which male comics are less likely to do. Here are books written by three of my favorite people: Chelsea Handler, Kathy Griffin, and Lisa Lampanelli.
My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One-Night Stands $14.95
My Horizontal Life chronicles Chelsea bag of one-night stands and what she has learned from each of them. She opens with an interesting story about catching her parents "in the act," which in a way framed her notion of "hooking up." Throughout the book, she learns that one-night stands are way easier than relationships because sex is what it amounts to anyway. However, the stories are so bizarre that it makes you wonder if some of them are really true. Either way, you'll laugh your ass off regardless because it's so taboo. Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea $24.95
If you watch her late-night show, Chelsea Lately, this book is a premise to understanding her branch of humor. I love that the title is a parody of the famous Judy Blume book, Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret because it's so random. Unlike My Horizontal Life, gives us a lot more insight about life rather than documenting past one-night stands, which can get a little boring after a while. Nodding to the title, many of the stories are about her passion for alcohol (her favorite is Grey Goose). My favorite chapters are Prison Break in which she went to jail for a D.U.I. and fraudulent I.D., Dim Sum and Then Some where she was stuck in a strange situation at a massage parlor, Jumped by three Latinas, and Re-Gift in which she recycled a gift to a psycho. Official Book Club Selection: A Memoir According to Kathy Griffin $25.00
Kathy is my idol, which is why I had to get this book when it first came out. (I also got it for 30% off.) I worship her because she has a fearless personality and does whatever the hell she wants, even if it gets her in trouble in the strict world of show business. This is my favorite book so far because she really exposes herself, and allows her fans to love her. She is brutally honest about the good, bad and ugly in her life like her hard-earned career, failed marriage, botched plastic surgery and her dead estranged pedophile brother. This memoir is not all comedy, and gives you another facet of her that you don't get to see on her show, Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List. It also includes some very interesting e-mails between her and Apple co-founder, Steve Wozniak.
Chocolate, Please: My Adventures in Food, Fat, and Freaks $24.99
I haven't gotten the chance to read this book yet because it just came out yesterday. But based her branch of "insult comedy," I'm sure I'll like it. In the comedy world, she's known for being the "Queen of Mean," so you have to have thick skin to not be offended and understand her humor. I think the title refers to her love of black men. Then again, who doesn't love chocolate? I'm really looking forward to this book.
Courtesy of Simon Spotlight Entertainment, Bloomsbury USA, Ballantine Books, It Books
OMG! I love Kathy and Chelsea!