Coats/Jackets: Character Hero, Old Navy and J. Crew

This yellow Character Hero hoodie is subtle yet bold. The checked pattern conveys retro, but the splash of color is really modern. I wanted a wool coat for a really long time, but didn't get one because they were always so expensive. I guess it's because I was only looking at designer ones. I finally bought and returned one that was $600+ because at the time I thought I could "afford" it, when I really couldn't. This toggled wool coat by Old Navy looks quite decent and is very affordable. I haven't shopped there for a while due to my being brainwashed into thinking that I was too good for the store, so I really need to go back to my roots and check out the coat in person. LOL! Peacoats look good on just about anyone because they create very flattering figures. However, I've seen too many people wearing them lately, which has become a little boring. That is why I really like this fleece peacoat by J. Crew because it's so casual yet it still looks so sophisticated.
Sweaters: J. Lindeberg, Ted Baker and Marc by Marc Jacobs

I recently developed a thing for sweaters. I think it's because I haven't really worn any until a few months ago due to the misconception of sweaters being bulky and itchy; I was wrong! I absolutely adore silk cotton, merino wool and have yet to discover the "brilliance" of cashmere. As you can see, I really like checkers/plaids/tartans, so this sweater by J. Lindeberg is impeccable. When I worked at that stpid stationery store, Ted Baker was right across the street. It didn't look all that interesting to me because nothing about it really stood out and also not many people went inside. I finally checked them out online, and I've got to say they have some really interesting things. Anyway, my new favorite color is yellow and I really like this mustard shade on the sweater. Marc Jacobs is known for designing really quirky things that are universally apppealing. I have much respect for him as a designer; I'm just not crazy about his fanbase. As for the sweater, the color and texture scheme just work.
Pants: Marc by Marc Jacobs, Calvin Klein, Banana Republic

I've been wanting to wear colored jeans, but could never find any I liked because the color would be off and I was self-conscious about wearing a tight, bright-colored bottom. Actually, at Marc Jacobs they have more color options; I just thought it'd be nice to showcase a seasonal trend that I might pick up (because I usually do not follow them). I feel like I'm the only guy who doesn't wear jeans nowadays, which is kind of a fashion let-down because it adds to the limitation of expressive male fashion. People call me a "CK whore," which isn't exactly true. It's just that his designs are affordable, functional and the only nice things at discount stores. I love corduroys because they add warmth and heartiness to an outfit. This one by Banana Republic is the epitome of what I see in them. However, since I've never had a desire to shop at BR, I probably wouldn't start now.
Bags: Kenneth Cole, Truex Lambertson and Andrew Marc
I'm still searching for the "perfect leather bag," which is extremely hard to find because all the ones I'm interested in are ridiculously expensive. Kenneth Cole is a great designer when it comes to basics. I really like how simple and elegant the bag looks. Also, it seems like it would leave a good impression on an employer when you go to an interview. I did not know about Truex Lambertson until I stumbled into this bag, which left me in awe. It looks like something that you would see in just about any store, except you never do. I really think I just might get this one because the color and silhouette are just what I'm looking for. Last but not least, there is this gray-ish green bag by Andrew Marc, who designs some of the coolest men's coats I've ever seen. (If I could afford one, I'd get it.) I'm not sure what to say about it, but it has a lot of potential.
Shoes: Dr. Martens, Hugo Boss and Cole Haan
I have a similar situation with shoes as I do with bags, except when it comes to shoes, I have more options. Most of the time, money isn't a problem but rather the styles that they have out there. When it comes to shoes, I feel like guys my age lack taste because it's as if the only shoes they wear are Vans, Converse, and all these other boring athletic brands. I like shoes that have at most, 1-3 solid colors. Doc Martens were popularized by skinheads during the grunge period of the 1990s. Maybe I'm still not "white enough" to pull off wearing them well, but I just love the cherry brown color. I'm fascinated by Hugo Boss, even though I have no idea why. I think it's because you just can never go wrong with their brand. Finally, there is Cole Haan, which is usually very prim and proper, but this shoe is really something. I really like it because of the innovation it conveys. And since we live in the age of technology, we ought to dress the part, right?